Melrose High School


To construct a bike skills track for the students and enhance the existing bike skills program being run by the school.


  • Designing a track on a small footprint with as many features as possible
  • Catering to the diversity of riding abilities
  • Sensitively incorporating existing trees into the design
  • Working in the space during school hours


  • A design was formulated incorporating various levels of riding ability
  • The design also made the most of the small space and elevation change on the block
  • The plants in the landscaping were of a high density
  • A component of the landscaping was set aside for an indigenous edible garden
  • The garden beds and trees were irrigated


  • The Melrose bike track is a fantastic facility and the plantings have flourished due to the watering system and density of planting. The track is used by the students and they are advancing their skill levels as a result.  This is the premier example of a well-designed constructed and integrated bike skills track.