Ridgeline Park, Denman Prospect


To design and construct 1.2km of multi-use trail in a bush block at Denman Prospect as a piece of community infrastructure, based on the design concept of our work at the Botanic Gardens.


  • Sensitive and protected area
  • Difficult access and no opportunity to work outside the trail corridor
  • Steep rocky terrain
  • 600 tonnes of rock to be imported onto the site manually to achieve the outcome
  • 0km of imported granite to this difficult site.


  • Makin Trax is proficient at working in sensitive environs and has systems, procedures and equipment that ensure site sensitivities are protected
  • Utilised Makin Trax’s experience in working on steep and unforgiving terrain
  • Holistically used trail building knowledge to offer solutions mid project and dramatically enhanced the project from the outstanding viewing platforms to the mid trail seating nooks
  • Implemented Makin Trax’s trail building system to bolster sustainability and beauty of the track
  • Finished and stabilised the trail with DirtGlue to proved a natural but highly resilient trail surface


  • An amazing track with detailed features unmatched on any other comparable track. This project will be entered into the Master Builders Excellence Awards in 2019
  • A quality community trail not seen in or around any other suburb in the region
  • This new track has broken new grounds in trail building and suburban infrastructure. It is a high quality natural feeling trail that has enhanced the land it has been built on
  • The trail surface has been treated with Dirt Glue to give it more resilience and provide maintenance free qualities